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Vows and Commitments

Happy Monday to our CFC Family;

This past weekend, I had the joy and privilege of officiating a beautiful wedding ceremony. As I watched two young, innocent souls exchange vows, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that lies ahead of them. There they stood, full of love and excitement, yet—if I’m being honest—without a real understanding of the trials and uncertainties that will come their way in the years to come. This is no fault of their own; they are still young, and it’s only the experiences and obstacles of life that will help mold and shape them as they live out their lives together.

Let’s be honest, for any of us who have been married for a while, we too were just as innocent and naive when we first made our vows. In our naiveté, we believed we had it all figured out, and unlike previous generations, we were going to be different and have that “perfect” marriage experience where all our dreams would come true. But I’m sure we can all agree that this rarely happens. For most of us living in the real world, trials come, unforeseen obstacles arise, and the harsh realities of life often hit us head-on.

With that in mind, let me ask you this: how has your relationship with God changed you over the years? Just like the young couple who made a public covenant with each other this past weekend, each of us who consider ourselves Christians also made an important decision at some point in our lives to “forsake all other gods” and serve Jesus with all our hearts. That moment was authentic, and we truly meant it with all our being. And just like those newlyweds, if we are honest with ourselves, we too were somewhat naive in what it truly meant to commit ourselves to serving God.

Over the years, just like in any relationship, we’ve experienced the ups and downs of life that have shaped our faith and our understanding of what it really means to trust the Lord. Where we thought our lives would go, God, in His mercy, took us in a different direction. Perhaps plans we thought for sure were His will for us became nothing more than fleeting ideas that quickly faded from view. Life rarely takes us where we thought it would go. Yet, it is through those moments of trial—those times of uncertainty, when things don’t go as planned—that our faith grows deeper, and we learn to depend on God in ways we never anticipated.

I’m reminded of Peter in Matthew 26:35, where, after Jesus told him he would deny Him three times, Peter was convinced that Jesus was wrong, proclaiming, Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” Was Peter sincere? Absolutely. Did he believe he was telling the truth? Without a doubt. Was he correct in his conviction? Not at all!  Why? Because Jesus knew Peter better than Peter knew himself and saw the bigger picture.

After being married for over 34 years, I’ve discovered that I am more aware of myself and my role as a husband and father now than I was when I said those vows to my young bride all those years ago. The same is true for my relationship with Jesus. Some of those “all important” plans and goals I had as a young pastor never came to fruition. They were just fleeting thoughts and ideas that appeared for a while and then faded away. Yet, the one thing that didn’t fade away—and in fact, grew stronger over time—is my understanding of my walk with Jesus. And that, like a good marriage, is something that only time and commitment can reveal.

Question: In what area of your faith has time and trials changed you for the better?

Have a wonderful week and we’ll see you Sunday!

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