Happy Monday to our CFC Family!
During my holidays this past week, I decided to tackle something that had been on my mind for a long time—the renovation of our ensuite bathroom. I’m kind of embarrassed to say it, but it was the last room in our home that hadn’t been updated since we moved into our home nineteen years ago. Oh I changed the paint a couple times over the years, but to truly upgrade the look, well…..there were always other projects, other priorities that seemed more urgent. And being our ensuite, no one but Lenise and I used it anyway, so, “out of site, out of mind” right?!
When it was finally done on Saturday, I felt that real sense of pride that I finally finished what was needed to be tackled for a long time! It was the last room that needed an upgrade, and finishing it brought a deep sense of fulfillment. Well, guess what? Now that that room is done, it just reminds me that there are other previously renovated rooms that now need their own “upgrading!” Really, do renovations ever really stop?!
How often do we have things in our lives that we neglect, put off because we feel there are more important things to think about? Things that needs our attention, but we put it off for a more convenient “later time.” It could be a relationship, a spiritual discipline,or simply taking the time to care for our well-being. We often keep pushing these things aside, thinking we’ll get to them “someday,” only to find that time has passed us by.
As we celebrate Christmas, we are reminded of the greatest gift that God gave us—His Son, Jesus Christ. Unlike the things we put off, God didn’t wait or delay for a more convenient time in giving us this perfect gift. He sent Jesus to us without hesitation, knowing we needed Him most. Christmas calls us to remember the one gift that can never be overlooked or neglected: the love, hope, and salvation that Jesus brings into our lives.
Just as I had to finish those renovation that had long been neglected, this season invites us to reflect on the things that need our attention. Is there something in your life that’s been put off, something that you know needs care and attention? Maybe it’s your relationship with God or your connection with others. Christmas is a perfect time to focus on what truly matters and to give the gifts that will last—love, faith, and kindness.
This Christmas, let’s remember the one gift that truly changes everything—the gift of Jesus Christ. Let us allow Him to complete the work He has begun in our hearts. It’s never too late to make the “upgrades” your life deserves. Whether it’s in your relationships, your walk with God, or how you see yourself, make sure those upgrades aren’t neglected or put off. The truth is, it may be that one “upgrade” that’s holding you back from experiencing the fullness and completeness God has for you.
Paul writes in Romans 5:6-8
“You see, at just the right time,whenwe were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone diefor a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare todie. 8 But God demonstrates his ownlove for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Question: Can you think of an area or areas in your life that you need to stop procrastinating on and finally deal with it? If so, in five Words or less, what are you going to do to finally confront it?