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Change in the Air

A blessed Monday to our CFC Family;

With today’s news of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s resignation, I believe that as believers we can all agree, with the utmost respect for the office, that living under the Liberal leadership and its policies over the past nine years has been a heavy burden on our nation, and particularly on the church. Many of the questionable and challenging policies and directions imposed by our federal government have tested our core values and prompted many, (both Christian and non-Christian alike), to reevaluate what we hold most dear. The sanctity of family, faith, and the freedom to express that faith has been repeatedly challenged, not only here in Canada but in many nations around the world. Because of this onslaught of immoral policies, numerous corrupt governments around the world are beginning to crack under the pressure of the resistance of its citizens.

As we enter this period of transition, Canada is likely facing a spring election. While this possibility brings with it a sense of hope and optimism, I pray it also sparks a sense of urgency within us.

While the Conservative Party’s platform is more pro-family and pro-faith than the other parties, it still fails to address critical issues such as the sanctity of life.  Although a shift toward a more conservative government offers hope for a future where policies and principles align more closely with our beliefs, we must remain vigilant and sober-minded, steadfast in upholding biblically-based values that are close to the heart of God.

The truth is, when we fail to consider a government’s core principles and choose to vote based only on individual issues or promises, we risk slipping into the same ignorance many believers experienced when this government was first elected in 2016.

As we begin this new year with many global changes on the horizon, I believe this is a crucial time for the church to pray. We need to ask God for wisdom, discernment, and peace as He guides our nation and the world. We need to pray that our new federal government, which will lead the nation in the coming year, will honor God, uphold free speech, defend the sanctity of life, and protect our national security. We pray that our future leaders will prioritize values aligned with the truth and righteousness of God’s Word, seeking His guidance in their decision-making.

While it is natural to feel encouraged by the possibility of change, we must remain mindful that our faith is not in earthly leaders or political systems, but in God alone. He is the ultimate authority over all things, including the future of this nation. As believers, our role is to continue praying for our leaders and the future of this country, trusting that God’s sovereignty will always prevail.

In this new year of 2025, a year that may bring uncertainty and change, let us take comfort in the knowledge that God is incomplete control. While the world around us may shift, His plans for us are good, and He will guide us through whatever lies ahead. As long as we keep our eyes on Him, we can endure any challenges that come our way with hope, faith, and confidence in His care.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

1 Timothy 2:1-4

Question:  There are many ways we can help our nation without having to go into politics.  What is a practical way you can do your part as a Canadian?

Have a wonderful week and we’ll see you Sunday!

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